We bounce an email back every single day to each other.
I reply around midday, and he around 8 pm.
We say, ‘I hope you are well’,
without ever questioning each other
whether we actually are or not.
We say, ‘All the best’,
without ever truly knowing
what the best is.
We say ‘ooo’ and ‘urgh’,
we wriggle around in bed
trying to find a comfortable position.
We say ‘maybe’ and ‘perhaps’
fighting a battle with a twig,
so as not to seem aggressive.
But we shall meet,
for work, naturally,
and it shall be all radiant smiles
and expensive coffee.
In the chasms of life (flight delays, queues and insomnia), where forward motion and progression are void. This is where and when you will find Harvey James writing, editing and perfecting these nuggets of thought. After this, he can arrive at the plane, the kiosk and sleep with a satisfied exhaustion, and then rest.