Why do people think
I’m a genius
and still roll their eyes
when I open my mouth?
Sarah Anne
I offer my ever-heavering
to the ever- wittering meaters
to hoofering clude my floitering
never applayed by typectuous sloverling.
I clitterly have not fogmented my thaudensions.
So, I continue, hoping to clarify,
chittering begins and peads the kloppers
they bertinate and currinsensure
as I humaniterate every possifrate until it norders
hoferring poperate the doodlurs
frugmentorated by my monolauds.
I’m not complaining I’m just…done
Sarah Anne
you hopless boopers
fuddering pupular cortagles
you are not worphering
you’ll regret it if you
hobinel every technitical poctery.
Pensively pondering
Sarah Anne
slipperly I become lophically irreligible
I finnily decapture my opertunicy
never to porticulate my doderted fod.
poor foderated dod was finilly noderated.
finilly because of the doderated fod.
Sarah Wruck is an Art Education major at Southwest Baptist University. Her poems have been published in The Spare Mule poetry the newsletter for the Missouri State Poetry Society. During the semester, she challenges herself to write one poem a week. While pursuing a degree in Art Education she has become a poetry enthusiast.
Follow her on Twitter @SarahAnneW98
Enjoyed! Now, where is my dictionary!?! I need to look up a word or two or seven. 😘