Restless as Rain


I am the raindrop

rolling down the window

when the car speeds up


Nothing to keep me

from flying

right back in your face


If I fell again,

would you catch me

on your tongue?


I plopped into a puddle

and splashed right back up.



Resisting Mindfulness


It’s the birds, I tell you—

announcing themselves like royalty.

Trumpets poking out of trees

line the street.


A motorcycle

leads the procession. A plane

drones low overhead.

The motorcycle revs its engine.


The proclamation is everywhere,

from the wind to the whining escalator.

The street is empty but for the parade

of ordinary sounds screaming “notice me.”


Rachel Nathanson’s poetry appears in The American Aesthetic and Silver Lining: Poets Against Violence, an anthology of poetry about overcoming violence in all its forms. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin–Madison with a B.A. in English and honors in creative writing.

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