Nobody will remember

The places I cannot forget

They shall remain untouched

Beneath this black heath


Where my own youth lies now

In its long afternoons

Of nothing to do

But skimming stones and counting ripples

Of changing seasons chasing days

Through my frame’s tomorrow


Its greying bones

Weighed down by the sobriquet

Of an old and now deceased clan member

Who lied about his age

To fight in The Great War

And whose very own lines like these

Have long since found their place

Underneath this barren ground

Where nothing but the gravel grows


Raising the bottle

I drink to him and to the shadows

Of all of my own personal saints

Who shower down from the nearby steeple

And start to pound my mind’s observatory

As it starts to turn and spin

Around the circle of time’s mean line


From their then

To the emptiness of this present passing

It does nothing but sit there waiting

As it did for them and as it does for me

Aboard forever and its phantom clipper


Beneath the black watch of this heath

Beneath the soles of these feet







I will not lose you


Not to the illusions

Painted on

This fleeting dream


By the misinformation

By the fake news

By the conspiracies


No – I cannot

Control the ignorance

And – no – I cannot

Overthrow the suffering


But I can focus on you




Forever present

In this eternal morgue


The fire will not burn

And the ashes cannot scatter

The perfect diamond of your heart





Beyond the system of this mind

Beyond its words and images


I could never lose you


J H Martin is from London, England but has no fixed abode. His writing has appeared in a number of places in Asia, Europe and the Americas.

Read more of J H Martin’s work that was previously pulled from the void right here.

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