Principal Wyler dedicates
the new school library
to deceased Latin teacher
Rosalee Howe, pumping out
kind words, no mention of
conjugation bombs lobbed
at bored kids.
I sit beside her estranged
husband Pete. She was my Aunt
so I’m here too. I keep feeling
a shoulder tap, is it her?,
still wearing that fake
gold bracelet—
should I be scared?
She doesn’t follow me out,
returns to death as I return
to Dairy Queen.
A Hiker
discovers a skeleton,
probably a woman,
after walking
from our road
Into the state
park—authorities ask
about missing persons
over the past
several years
a half an hour
from where
we separate
your underwear
from mine
and Skype
with a friend
from Illinois.
Kenneth Pobo had a book out in 2017 from Circling Rivers called Loplop in a Red it. Forthcoming from Clare Songbird Press is a book of his prose poems called The Antlantis Hit Parade.